There’s more to us than serviced offices
Here at Hampshire Workspace, we know about running a small to medium enterprise, because we are one. Unlike the chains of office blocks run by managers, we understand how it feels to face the challenges of beginning with small resources and the problems that come with expansion. We know the thrill of being your own boss.
If you want to start or grow a business, having a low-cost serviced office in Winchester is a good first step. But you’ll need to know about marketing, sales, accounts and much more to succeed. Here are some sources of help, support and inspiration.
Useful Websites for Start Ups and Small Businesses
This excellent, easy-to-use site has everything from sample forms and templates to helpful articles. See also and
New York-based site with useful tools and tips for running a small business
US-based site with a huge amount of ideas and how-to’s
British site full of ideas and tools for people starting their oen business.
A site with its finger on the pulse of small businesses.
American website with a huge number of tips and resources on starting and growing a business.
Seth Godin’s Startup School
Made in 2012 but this series of videos offering practical advice to entrepreneurs is still indispensible.
Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs On Fire
Thousands of fascinating interviews with top entrepreneurs
$100 MBA
1000+ free business lessons
Helpful Organisations for Small Businesses in Winchester
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
A long established source of help and support. Members also benefit from networking occasions.
Winchester Business Improvement District
The team are there to help any business in Winchester centre to save money and grow
Blogs for Entrepreneurs
Seth Godin
He can seem quirky and hippy-like but his track record of success speaks for itself as an entrepreneur who understands the digital world and its implications for business. He writes a daily blog full of wit and wisdom.
Richard Branson
The elder statesman of entrepreneurs and still boyishly enthusiastic. This is a blog with plenty of advice and anecdotes from someone who has been prepared to take risks and fail on the way to billion pound success.
Duct Tape Marketing
John Jantsch’s helpful advice on marketing on a budget conveyed with knowledge and enthusiasm in articles, blogs and podcasts.